The Ambient ACN-LS2 LockitSlate Take 2 is a highly accurate, modular smart-slate system. The Take 2 package includes the following: black-and-white POM clap stick, slate board with dry-erase surface, LED timecode display module, slate handle, right angle antenna, slate bag, and board marker. The modular design of the slate allows the LED display screen to be used on its own as a fully functional timecode interface. An adaptive LED brightness mode allows the brightness to be adjusted automatically to changing light situations.
The ACN-LS2 LockitSlate Take 2 is backward compatible to accessories from the previous model. Ambient also kept the construction and dimensions so that accessories or custom made faceplates can seamlessly be used with the updated Take 2. Powering is over 4 AA cells, optimized for chargeable NiMH chemistry. This allows for a run time of over 24 hours with the slate open at default brightness. External powering is possible over USB-C. Improved resistance against humidity through lip sealing around LED display.
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